Hoopsy Weekly Roundup March 10th

Hoopsy Weekly Roundup for Friday, March 10th…

Hi, welcome to this week’s weekly roundup! You might wonder where I am. Well, today I’m in Portugal, in Lagos.

Basically. I got so fed up with the grey and the rain and the ugh of London. I decided a few months ago that I was going to come here and work remotely for a bit. So I’m here for a few weeks, just change the scenery, get some “Vitamin Sea” and just have a change and just recharge a bit.

Working remotely by the beach

I think it’s important when you are a startup founder, you get so crazy in the busyness of just everything that you just get caught up in it. And I know for me that the ocean is my happy place.

Big thank you to Nick from Unstoppabl for suggesting that I do this. Because sometimes I feel like we don’t feel we can get off that little treadmill that we’re on and we have to keep going. And it’s not.

Everyone was like, so you’re going to the Algarve for three weeks, working remotely. And I was like, oh yeah. And they’re like, okay. You normally don’t do that. You normally just stay at home or stay wherever you are and keep going.

But I decided that I was getting so many colds and stuff and missing Sydney so here I am. So it’s what’s on the beach. That’s my weekly roundup for this week, basically.

Look after yourself and watch this space next week. I’m sure we’ll come out full of beans.

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