Hoopsy Weekly Roundup for Friday December 16th…
Welcome to this week’s weekly roundup from Hoopsy. As you can see it is very chilly this week in the UK, we’ve had snow. I’ve been rugging up, putting on my gloves, putting on my coat and trying not to put the heating on too much because it is costing a fortune….
The good thing is if you have a partner it is a good time to snuggle up, and keep warm and you never know where it may lead…
In terms of us, we have been focusing on getting new affiliates, talking to fertility dieticians, acupuncturists and that kind of thing. If you are in that space please get in touch. We’d love to talk to you about you talking about our products to your clients and we’ll send you a free sample.
Otherwise, we have been busy beavering away on background stuff. We’re trying to talk to retailers, trying to talk to distributors, and trying to get us out there more. We are looking for events we can go to. If you do know of any fertility-type events then do get in touch.
Things are also slowing down with Christmas coming. So next week is the last full week. But I think even so a lot of people have taken holidays already… Obviously, at Hoopsy we don’t take holidays!!! Well just the public holidays probably, we will be strategising over the Christmas and New Year break. We’d love to hear from anyone who has any ideas on how we can increase our brand awareness. Because that is our big thing going into 2023.
OMG 2023 can you believe it?? I’ll be back next week with another roundup and stay warm!!
To see our previous weekly roundups and to subscribe to future ones check out the Hoopsy You Tube channel.

One of our new affiliates is Rachel from The fertility Suite who this week wrote a great guest blog on our site all about fertility acupuncture which Rachel herself used to get pregnant.