Hoopsy Weekly Roundup for Friday January 6th…
Hello. Happy New Year! Welcome to this week’s weekly round up. Well, I hope you had a good break. A Christmas and New year and back and ready to go. 2023 is going to be our year. I know it. So if you’re trying to conceive this year, we thought we’d help. What we’re doing is we’re giving away free pregnancy tests. So one test to anyone that wants one in the UK. You just pop to our website, open the link below and name address and we’ll send it in the mail to you. You will get an envelopes like this. Also, there’s a QR code on the back with an instructions for the test and done.
Fingers crossed we get a positive, or negative, depends on what you want. We’ve also had a number of guests blog on our site this week. Well, over the last few weeks, actually, we’re now having regular guest bookings for every week. So you get to hear from lots and lots of different experts, like nutritionists. We’ve also got fertility coaches, we’ve got acupuncturists all giving you some great insights if you are trying to conceive on how to do it, how to do it better, what to eat, that kind of thing. So it’s really exciting. I’m really pleased to have so many people getting involved in the community.
So that’s it for me for this week. If you would like a free pregnancy tests, don’t forget jump onto the website and grab it. We’ve already had a few hundred people request them, so we might have to limit the numbers. We’ll see how it goes.
I will see you this week. Have a fabulous week!
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Here’s one of the guest blog posts we recently have. Written by Fertility, Pregnancy and Hormone Specialist Gail Da Silva Madalena at The Natural Balance. In this blog, she shared top 5 tips for preparing your body for assisted reproduction.