How To Tell Your Kids You Are Pregnant

Are you adding a new baby to your growing family and wondering how to tell your kids you are pregnant? Obviously, you want them to be super excited and happy about the news, but the concept of having a new little person running around can be confusing for young children and might worry older siblings. 

In all honesty, you know your child and how they will likely react to the news better than anyone. It’s important to acknowledge that they might be anxious about the addition of a baby to the family and how this might affect your relationship and the attention they currently get. 

Telling them in the right way can make a huge difference in how they feel about the pregnancy and their new sibling’s impending arrival. We’ve put together this blog to help you decide how to tell your kids you are pregnant in a way that is age appropriate and will make them feel more secure about the new addition to your team!

When should I tell my kids I am pregnant?

One of the most important decisions about how to tell your kids you are pregnant is the when. It’s widely recommended that you wait until after the first trimester. This is because the risk of miscarriage declines after this point. Also, let’s be honest. Young kids are not exactly known for their ability to keep schtum. It’s an important consideration as you probably don’t want your toddler spreading the news far and wide before you get a chance to!

Your child’s age will also make a difference to when and how to tell your kids you are pregnant conversation. The way you tell a 2-3 year older will be miles different to sharing the news with a teenage sibling.  Here are some hints and tips for sharing your big news depending on your childs age:

Age 2-3

As a toddler, your child may not really understand what it means to have a baby on the way or how long it takes to grow a tiny human. But you can still share the news in a way they can understand.

The key to sharing baby news with this age group is to keep it simple. You might say something like, “Mummy has a baby in her tummy!” or “There’s going to be a new baby in our family soon!” Keep it upbeat and positive, and just be prepared to answer any questions they might have.

Age 4-6:

Children in this age range are starting to grasp more complex concepts. So they might have more questions and concerns about the pregnancy. Explain that a baby is growing inside your body and will be born in a few months. 

Involve them in the process by asking for their help in choosing a name or decorating the baby’s room, or picking out toys and accessories for the baby. Make sure to address any worries they may have, like whether the baby will be able to play with them or if they’ll still be able to have special time with mummy and daddy.

Age 7-9:

Kids in this age group are usually excited about the prospect of a new sibling. But they might also be worried about how it will change the family dynamic. Talk to them about the changes that will happen when the baby arrives. Like how they’ll need to help out more and how their routines might shift a little. Encourage them to share their feelings with you and reassure them that you’ll still have time for them even with a new baby in the house.

Age 10-12:

Older children will have a better understanding of pregnancy and childbirth. This means they may have more specific questions about the process. They may also be more aware of how the new baby will impact their own lives, like whether they’ll have to share a room or give up certain activities. 

Try to be as honest and transparent as possible while also being reassuring. Talk to them about how having a sibling can be a wonderful thing and how they can still have a close relationship with you, even with a new addition to the family.


In conclusion, it’s important to tailor your approach to your child’s age and personality. No matter how you decide to share the news, make sure to emphasise the positive aspects of the pregnancy and give your child plenty of time to process their feelings. When you approach telling your kids you are pregnant with planning and sensitivity, you can help your child feel both excited and involved in the arrival of their new sibling.

Looking for inspiration on how to announce your pregnancy to the world? Check out our blog on pregnancy announcement ideas.

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