You and your partner, or just you have decided you want a baby, but should you tell your Mum that you are trying to get pregnant?
Trying to get pregnant can be a long hard road, so you might want the extra support, help, and love from someone who has known you all your life, but on the other hand, you may not want the continual asking about it that could come with telling her, so what to do? This question is obviously a hard one, as it depends on your Mum, so we have broken it down into reasons to tell her and reasons not to!
Reasons to tell her I’m trying
- An extra ear to listen if you want to talk about it with someone other than your partner
- She might have some family medical history insights that you need to know about
- Depending on your situation you might need to go to appointments (such as IVF egg retrieval) and need a driver/carer
- Someone to share the journey with, if you are going solo having support around you is important for your mental health
- You are really close to her and tell her everything
Reasons not to tell her I’m trying
- She might start every conversation from here on in with “Are you pregnant yet?”
- Disappointment, if you can’t for some reason get pregnant you might feel that you have disappointed her
- You don’t want every conversation you have from here on in to be about why you aren’t pregnant and for her to be suggesting you try the latest diet or exercise fad to get pregnant
- You don’t have a super close relationship and would feel strange bringing it up
So, what did you decide? We’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below or click on the voting panel below to tell us and see what everyone else thinks!!
You also want to click here to get some hoopsy eco pregnancy test on your fertility journey. I can’t wait to celebrate your positive news with you.
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