Hi, welcome to this week’s weekly roundup.
So I’m still in Portugal on the beach. You can see it’s a little bit cloudy today, so it’s not the sunshine to make you all jealous. But this week it has been lovely being here. The change of scenery has been really good.
And we’ve got into another store, an online store called Ohne. They’re a women’s wellness site, so you can buy a Hoopsy test at Ohne now.
Our PR agency is a finalist in the PR Moments Awards for the Hoopsy launch campaign, which is very exciting. It will be announced next month. We’re very very excited.

And I’ve been announced as a finalist in the Women Changing the World Awards in the emerging women category and the Environmental impact category for People’s Choice. So if you haven’t voted for me in People’s Choice, please go and vote. That would be fabulous. You can go to this link to vote for me.
And otherwise in Hoopsy World, we’ve been busy talking to investors and looking at lots of different options for the new test that we’re working on in terms of industrial designers trying to work out who we’re going to work with for that. And just day-to-day building of the business.
So it’s been a lovely week and I still have two more weeks to work here and to enjoy the sun and the sea in Portugal and fabulous. I can’t wait. I’ll be back in London in April. So have a lovely weekend, everyone. Bye.
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