Hoopsy Weekly Roundup for Friday, May 5th… (Focusing on attracting customers)
Welcome to this week’s Weekly roundup.
Well, it’s been a lovely week in Italy. I have been working all day and then hanging out with my niece and my brother and my sister-in-law in the evening, so it’s been a lot of fun.
And work-wise, I’ve been very productive. I found this great co-working space called Starbucks, which is quite hilarious because everyone there is working. Hardly anyone is actually drinking coffee or, being social, so it’s quite funny.
But, yeah, I’ve been focusing on attracting customers this week, so I have been doing a lot of work around, trying to work out where they’re going to be, what they’re looking for, and that kind of thing. So it’s been really good. And also contacting retailers and trying to get more retailers on board. So it’s been a really good week. I feel like it’s been a really productive week. So another week in Italy and then I’ll be back in the UK. So I’ll see you next week. Bye.
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