Let’s be honest TTC sex can get pretty robotic and dull if you don’t keep things fresh and interesting. Especially when you’ve been trying for a while without success. Earlier this year, we surveyed 522 women and asked Where, if any, weird places have you had sex to try and conceive? The answers we received were pretty interesting! Below we highlight some of the most unusual places adventurous Hoopsy Customers have got their baby dance on!
The Living Room
For those that wanted to keep things close to home but fancied venturing beyond the bedroom! Just short of 40% stated they had got it on in the living room. Interestingly this was a popular choice for the more mature ladies we surveyed between the age of 46-50, where 48% said they had TTC sex in this particular room!
In The Car
Just shy of 23% of women surveyed said they had had baby-making sex in the car. The car seemed to be a popular choice amongst the youngest group interviewed (between 18-24), with 30% confessing to a spontaneous TTC sex session in the car. However, 11% also admitted to having sex in the car park, and we can’t help but wonder if they did the deed inside the car or on the bonnet!
On The Beach
With the British summer weather being as unpredictable as it is, we were almost surprised that around 15% of women had had sex on the beach when TTC! Or perhaps it was on a European summer holiday with golden sands and hot sunshine. Either way, having sex on the beach is a fantastic way to spice things up. It looks like Hoopsy customers in Northern Ireland agreed, as a third of those surveyed told us they had TTC on the beach! Just be careful where the sand ends up!
In a public toilet
Two in five Scottish women confessed to having sex in a public toilet whilst trying to conceive, and 8% of all women surveyed admitted to the same.

In the shed
Yep, it’s a bizarre one and a bit of a niche! However, over 6% of our survey participants have gone for it in the shed whilst TTC. It also turns out this activity is most popular in the cities of Glasgow and Cardiff! The Scottish and Welsh certainly know how to mix things up!
Hotel Elevator
For when you just can’t wait to get to your hotel room! An adventurous 5.94% of women surveyed said they had tried to conceive in a hotel lift! This high-risk activity appears to be popular with Generation Z (Those between 18-24), with one in 10 revealing they had TTC in the elevator.
On A Boat
We and to know if we are talking about a tiny sailboat, the Wightlink or a cruise ship here, but 1 in 10 Londoners have had sex on a boat during their baby-making journey. If you’ve got your sea legs and access to a boat, why not!
Final word
We loved learning about the weird and wonderful places women have had sex on their quest to conceive. But on a more serious note, our survey revealed that 88% felt that trying to conceive had affected their sex life in some way. Some admitted that they felt the romance was dead due to trying to conceive. If you would like some tips on spicing up your sex life, check out the advice from our sexpert Anna here.
We get it; trying for a baby is hard. Especially when it doesn’t happen quickly, trying to conceive can take its toll on our mental and physical health. If you are trying to conceive and feel alone on your journey, why not join the Hoopsy fertility community, where you can find fertility friends, expert advice and ask any questions that are on your mind. We can’t wait to meet you!
Can you top our list of weird places to have TTC sex? Let us know in the comments!